Andrew Urbahn

Osteopath - Sunshine Coast Osteopathy
(BSc (Hons) Osteopathy)

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About Me

Andrew and the osteopathic philosophy looks at your whole body taking into consideration factors such as work ergonomics, diet, exercise, posture, stress management, sleep positions  and other aspects of daily life when making an osteopathic diagnosis. We strongly believe in finding and treating the core cause of a health problem, rather than focusing solely on the symptoms.

Andrew works with patients in many areas of health including:

  • Headaches
  • Neck and back pain including sciatica
  • Sporting injuries including shoulder rotator cuff strains, hip conditions such as bursitis, and a myriad of other ailments affecting knees, ankles, feet, elbows etc.
  • Pregnancy – all stages of a mothers journey from the first trimester to delivery and the aches and pains that can sometimes accompany that journey
  • Babies and children – we look at all the musculoskeletal issues that the young and very young can face – from an assisted delivery for a newborn to the children falling off bikes and out of trees.
  • Jaw pain – also known as the TMJ – is a very common site of discomfort for many patients. There can also be a strong association with the jaw pain and headaches.


7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm